Report on charity Christmas concert at Gimnazija Jesenice – Denis Smajlović, 2.b


As a student of Jesenice Grammar School, I am writing this report for the ITS subject to be presented on our website. This report will focus on an organised charity Christmas concert and it will present the organisation, details and the writer ‘s comments.


The concert took place on Tuesday 17th of December at 6 pm in gledališče Toneta Čufarja (Tone Čufar Theatre) and it was titled Božična pravljica ( Christmas Tale) . It was staged and performed by students of Jesenice Grammar School. In addition, guests were able to purchase many creative handicrafts and delicious baked goods. The musical performance was finished approximately at 7.30 pm.

The Concert:

The atmosphere was beautifully  Christmas themed. 11 talented students performed well. It was well visited and it raised 264€. The bazaar was very lively and crowded.

Personal comments:

I enjoyed the concert. I was taken aback by the positive atmosphere and harmony. It was fascinating seeing how many fellow students and teachers participated in the female choir. The bazaar looked tempting as well although i have to admit that I did not buy anything.

Report on charity concert in Tone Čufar Theatre – Denis Smajlović, 2.b


As a student of Jesenice Grammar School, I am writing this report for the ITS subject to be displayed on our new website. This report will focus on an organised charity concert and it will present organisation, performances and the writer’s personal comments.


The concert took place on Tuesday, 21st of January at 6 pm in Gledališče Toneta Čufarja ( Tone Čufar Theatre). It was titled »Sprostite dobroto v sebi« (Unleash the goodness within yourself) and performed by present and former students of Jesenice Grammar School. It was a charity concert, in which many students performed solo and in duets and as well as in female choirs or various bands.  The reason behind organising it was to help raise funds for deprived students. There were also two dancers which danced extremely skilfully. Unfortunately some performances have been canceled due to ilness or other reasons.

 Musical performance and stage decorations:

The atmosphere was dynamic. The concert attracted numerous guests, many of which were parents of the performing or fellow students. Music and singing were performed well and the lighting was lovely as well. Stage decorations were beautifully hand designed.

Personal comments:

Overall  I enjoyed the concert. I found it very entertaining to listen and watch as well. I personally was not a fan of the atmosphere, although it was not that unpleasant. It seemed to be well organised and all the performers did an excellent job.

Report on drama festival “Dramski festival” – Miha Zore, 2.b


As a student of Jesenice Grammar School, I am presenting this report for the ITS subject to be displayed on our website. The report focuses on an organized drama festival and presents its organization, details and the writer’s opinion.


The festival took place on Wednesday 26th and Thursday 27th of February at 6 pm at Tone Čufar Theatre. Its purpose was to compete for the best performance and to encourage the growth of drama activities at school. The event was finished at about 8 pm on both days.

The festival:

There were 7 performing groups, which were composed of students and teachers of Jesenice Grammar school. All of them performed stunningly and received a loud applause from the audience. The festival attracted numerous guests, many of which were parents of the performing students. At the end, there was a public voting for the best performers, who were then awarded.

Personal opinion:

Overall, I was pleased with the festival. I found some of the plays very entertaining and comical. The lightning and atmosphere were spectacular. The only flaw I noticed was that there were not enough seats for everyone to sit, so some of the guests had to stood.

Report on how coronavirus affects life at Gimjes – Miha Zore, 2.b


As a student of Jesenice Grammar School, I am writing this report for the ITS subject to be presented on our website. The report focuses on how coronavirus affects life at our school and presents the organisation, the assessment of students and the writer’s personal opinion.


During the coronavirus pandemic students of “Gimjes” do not go to school. Therefore, schooling is continuing at home. Every week teachers send subject matter to students, so they can study it as if they were in school. If students have any questions or do not understand the topic, they can ask a teacher to explain it via video conference.

Assessment of students:

Students still need to get some marks by the end of the school year. To prevent any cheating, they will be questioned via video conference. In this case teachers will have all control over student’s behaviour. The final grade will be based on doing homework, collaboration and making effort during homeschooling.

Personal opinion:

Homeschooling is not causing me any problems. As a matter of fact, I enjoy it more than going to school. However, I think not all students are doing as well as me. Some families cannot afford to buy computers for their children, therefore they are not able to do schoolwork as good as others and are in unequal position.

Report on effect of coronavirus at Gimjes – Tomaž Kusterle, 2.B


The report presents how coronavirus affected life at GimJes. I am a student of Jesenice Grammar School and I will be writing about closing and opening the school, working from home and student’s opinions on coronavirus and schooling.

Closing and opening the school:

GimJes was closed on March 16. Due to a quick growth of infected people in Slovenia. First everybody thought schools would be closed for 14 days only, but that changed in a week. GimJes is, like other schools in Slovenia still closed. This year most of the students will not go to school again, except for the high school graduates, who are likely to go back to school on May 18.

Working from home:

Teachers had to develop a new way of teaching students overnight. They decided to send students instructions and material for studying weekly. Students have to work through what they were sent to and also do homework if there is any. When they finished, they have to send results to teachers for assessment.

Students’ opinions on coronavirus and schooling:

Some students were afraid their health was in danger because of this virus, but most students at GimJes impatiently waited for the school to be closed. When that finally happened, everybody was happy. That happiness did not last for long, because the school continued, only in a different way. Students do not really like this way of schooling, but as far as I know, no one has mayor problems with it.

A report on information day at Jesenice Grammar School- Tomaž Kusterle, 2.B


The report is based on an information day, which took place on 14. February at Jesenice Grammar School. I photographed this event to publish photographs on our website as a part of ITS lessons. I will be writing about the organization, the purpose of the day and present my personal comments on it.


The preparations for the information day started early in the morning. All the teachers and students who participated in the activity had to be in school at 8:00 am. Firstly, they had a short meeting and then they started preparing for the arrival of 8th and 9th graders from primary schools around the region. Meanwhile school’s dunking team, The Flying Bears, practised their performance in the school’s gym. The information day was organized well and the day ran smoothly.

The information day:

The first visitors started coming around 8:30 am. They were given some gifts from students and let into the school’s gym, where the day began. At 9:00 am the information day started. The principal of Jesenice Grammar School gave a speech and the presentation of the school began. The information day ended around 1 pm.

Purpose of the activity:

The main goal of the event was to show 8th and 9th graders Jesenice Grammar School and benefits of schooling at this school. Visitors had an opportunity to see how classes take place at various subjects too.

Comments on informational day:

The event was fun and interesting. I think students presented our school well and next year we will have a lot of new students. There is nothing I would change.